SC 9 Imelda Lambertini, Patron 1st Communicants

A bit delayed this week, but we present the first SaintCast soundseeing tour — a visit to the beautiful Church of Sts. Peter and Paul in the North Beach District of San Francisco. In this season of First Communicants, we talk about the Blessed Imelda, who on May 12th, nearly 700 years ago, made her First Communion at age 11, and died in ecstasy. We answer last week’s St. Jeopardy question – the Saint who suffered a thorn wound for years, St. Rita of Cascia. A new St. Jeopardy question for next week, podsafe music from Anne Davis, and more on this week’s SaintCast. . .

Next week, a discussion of the incorruptible Saints. . .



Songs from this episode . . .

“No, I’m Not Going Anywhere,” by Anne Davis from her album Letters, prayers, and Journal Entries, at
“David of the White Rock,” by Cheryl Ann Fulton, from the album The Airs of Wales,
available at

Websites mentioned this episode. . .

Artistic website of Jim Janknegt, a 20 year retrospective including much religious art
Church of SS. Peter and Paul, San Francisco, CA

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