SC 138, St. John Fisher, plus Canonization 101

Does the Catholic Church ‘make’ a saint?  Of course not, but in this episode of the SaintCast, learn the intricate details of the canonization process from square one. Also, a profile of the great English martyr, St. John Fisher.
The Saint news segment features new on the relics of Padre Pio, Kateri Tekakwitha’s cause, and the upcoming Beatification ceremony of Bl. John Newman.  More extras on the iPhone SaintCast App, and the Saints of the Week in the liturgical calendar on this week’s SaintCast.

‘This Week in Saint History’ now on the iPhone App!

NB I misspoke in the podcast, John Henry Newman was neither an Anglican Bishop nor a Roman Catholic Bishop before he was appointed cardinal by Leo XIII in 1879.

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Kateri Tekakwitha – in Montreal Gazette

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One response to “SC 138, St. John Fisher, plus Canonization 101”

  1. He was the bishop of the Rochester diocese in Kent. No wonder he is he is the patron saint (along with Thomas Moore) of the Rochester , NY diocese

    P.S please pray to these to above saints our bishop is… well.. a bit

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